i cheer Go USTe!
Story told at
02:35 //
0 person(s) left violent reaction(s).

i really like this "i cheer Go USTe!" racerback sando. it's cute, isn't it? :)
My name is Ma. Angela Solis Solomon. My friends call me Angela, Angel, Anj and Gela. I was born on October 19, 1988 which is equivalent to 21 years of my existence in this world. I am the only daughter of Caloy and Belen. I am proud to be a Filipino. I have two brothers namely Alex (25) and Marc (11). Raised in Marikina City but grew up in Cainta, Rizal. I am a more-or-less-113-lb 5-foot-7-inch girl who was once offered a glamorous modeling career by one of our bus-mates in Hong Kong in 2007 but refused it. Already tried different whitening soaps to have a fair from a slightly dark complexion. I so hate the fact that my mom loved eating a pound of M&Ms Milk Chocolate when she was pregnant to me. Well, I had no choice but to believe in this saying, "Black is beauty."
Done with schooling. Grade School: Roosevelt College Cainta '01. High School: Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College (OLOPSC) '05. College: University of Santo Tomas (UST), BS in Computer Science '09. Masteral: soon. :)
Interests: Surfing the Web, shopping, daydreaming, fashion, sweets, gadgets, celebrities, out-of-town trips, hanging out with friends, reading books (of Paulo Coelho, Bob Ong, Mitch Albom, Sophie Kinsella), movies, music, food, beach, love, life. A WHOLE LOT MORE.
Working for Stream Global Services (CC7: Shaw) since May 2009 as a Customer Service Associate 1 (Account: AT&T HED).
I belong to an organization in our parish (Our Lady of the Abandoned in Marikina City) named Eco-Disaster Management Team since March 2007. I was surprisingly recruited by a friend of a friend. I became the committee head for membership and food on December 2009 as appointed by the chairman. Our mission is to serve the people. We do free weekly BP Operation, conduct outreach programs and extend our helping hand during calamities.
Mood swings.
How did I get engaged to blogging?
When I was kid, I always wanted to be a doctor. Then when I reached high school and got recognitions in my computer skills, I realized I wanted to become a computer programmer/web designer/web developer - or whatever you call a person who uses computer for a living.
I officially started blogging in 2005 after my website project in my fourth year in high school. Been signing up in different blog sites until I found my stability in Blogger in May 2007.
(Edited on 01252010 around 5:00PM MNL, Solomon's Residence.)